The human body needs energy to find form and stay alive. If necessary, the body needs to be boosted urgently with the vitamins that are available in pods. For example, a vitamin C tablet to strengthen the immune system, a vitamin B tablet to provide energy and a dose of vitamin D to strengthen the bones. In addition, when the big cold arrives, precisely in winter, we should find a good solution to fight this season. The cold during the winter promotes the risk of several diseases such as coughs, colds, flu, ... And for your information, these diseases do not have the possibility to settle in your body if you prepare well in advance to fight them. One of the best solutions is the winter vitamin. Sometimes the vitamins available on the market do not provide curative or preventive activities. Most of them can promise anything for people to buy them. Here we are talking about the vitamin as a food supplement but not as a real medicine. But the most beautiful ally is food. Everybody knows that daily consumption provides energy. And to go a long way, a healthy and balanced diet is even better for the body than just plain boring food. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, vegetable foods are still the best foods to provide vitamins. But to balance well, you need to add meat, eggs, milk... The list is long but it is time to discover what is the role of vitamins in the diet? Discover through this article the cure of vitamins to fight winter.

Why is a vitamin cure necessary?

Whatever the season, winter or summer, the vitamin is an essential element for a living body. In the science of food and medicine, this almost mystical word is referred to as a miraculous fuel because vitamins are functional elements of the body. A total of 13 vitamins have been counted and they have their own specific roles in the functioning of the body. In cell biology, each vitamin provides a specific chemical reaction. In this case, it plays the role of a transporter. Without speaking of molecular complexes, vitamins have multiple tasks such as important bone mineralization, stimulation of immune defence systems, and the formation of blood elements such as red blood cells. Surprising but obvious, the body produces some but in insufficient quantities. But how do you get it? You have to look for them in your diet. To stay healthy, food takes control of the body, but in case of illness, medication takes over to restore health. In other words, vitamin supplementation is certainly important in case of deficiencies. For example, the vitamin is used in the treatment of certain types of disease such as Crohn's disease so that the patient does not become even weaker. Sometimes these vitamins are accompanied by minerals to complement their actions. A disease deficiency is rare if one has eaten fruits, vegetables and all kinds of foods with vitamins.

What are the most important ones?

To begin with, all 13 vitamins are essential for the body. There is not a single vitamin that has no important power in the functioning of the body. To classify, the ideal winter vitamin is vitamin C. But this does not mean that the other vitamins are useless during the winter. We know that winter is the right time for colds, flu and coughs to appear. Indeed, vitamin C allows the body to prevent or counter these pathologies. Vitamin C found a great place in 1970 thanks to the famous American chemist Linus Paulign. The chemist Paulign is a chemistry laureate who won a Nobel Prize in 1954. As with all studies, research was continued by several scientists and in 2013 it was discovered that taking vitamin C prevents people from getting sick. Then results confirmed that vitamin C has a great impact on the duration of the flu and colds.

Other vitamins for winter

Vitamin D also plays an important role during the winter, and it is advisable to take it. It helps in the process of bone mineralization. It has the particularity of being produced in the dermal layer of the skin under the effect of the sun's UV rays. Doctors have therefore advised to supplement, especially people living with less sun, especially in the northern hemisphere. Also take iron-rich foods to prepare the body to better resist infection. In case of deficiencies, you will be tired and severely out of breath. Increase your intake of red meat and black pudding.

More vitamins for more energy?

Apart from vitamin C and vitamin D, don't neglect the others. Fight the cold with vitamin B, to be taken as a winter vitamin. This vitamin gives energy to the body and boosts morale. A good dose of concentration can be found in food yeast. Another vitamin for the cold is magnesium. It fights against mood swings and stress, which is a trigger of immune weakness. And when the immune system is weak, it is easy to get sick. A good dose of magnesium is found in whole grains except whole grain bread and rice. Zinc is also offered as an immune defence. In fact, zinc acts on the multiplication and division of lymphocytes or white blood cells which have the role of attacking infections. Eat a seafood platter, a plate of liver, wholemeal bread, lentils to fill up the zinc.

How do I get the right vitamin?

The winter vitamin and trace elements come exclusively from food. They are much better and well assimilated when they are taken in food. Supplying vitamins to the body through food is much more interesting than taking supplements in doses. In fact, the body absorbs less of the supplement because there is a process to that. They become useful in case of deficiencies or loss of shape. And like all medicines, vitamin supplements must be taken in the dosage recommended by the doctor or pharmacist. Fruits and vegetables are very rich in vitamins of all kinds. So take plenty of them and if possible eat them every day to keep more. It is certain that apart from the vitamin, there are other useful trace elements in fruits and vegetables. Red meats, milk, legumes, black pudding, foods are numerous to provide vitamin. On the other hand, you should not be satisfied with food alone if you have a vitamin emergency. You must take a treatment and if necessary know the level of vitamin in your body. Once the treatment is finished, you will have to choose a balanced diet and fill up with vitamin. Choose the vitamin you want according to the food you eat. For example, you can find in a book the recipe for foods that provide vitamin, with the degree of cooking to keep the vitamin.