A urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary tract that can be caused by bacteria. It is one of the most unpleasant diseases because the urinary tract is very close to the genital tract, it even shares the same route so it affects the genital tract as well. But there is no reason to be afraid, it is a curable and at the same time preventable disease. Let's first look at the cause of this disease and its manifestation. Then let's look in detail through this article at the different ways to prevent it.

What causes urinary tract infections?

Urinary tract infections are usually caused by bacteria grouped together under the name of cystitis. Cystitis is a bacteria that sits in the urine and causes burning when urinating. Among cystitis, the Escherichia coli bacterium is the most commonly observed cause of infection, accounting for 80% of cases. Among both sexes, women are much more affected by this disease. This is due to the anatomy of the female body. In women, the urinary meatus is close to the anus. The anus is full of all kinds of bacteria because it houses the body's waste products, so bacteria can travel up the urethra and end up in the urine. A lack of hygiene in the anus and vagina is therefore a cause of urinary tract infections. Lack of water is a common cause of this disease in women. Indeed, a woman's body needs much more water than a man's body. In men, the disease in question is often due to an abnormality of the urinary tract. By the age of 50, unprotected sexual intercourse can cause the disease. Enlarged prostate is a very common cause of this bacterial infection in older men. The older a man gets, the less effective his prostate is. Diseases of the organs near the urinary tract, such as the kidneys, anus, intestine, pancreas are likely to cause the infection discussed here. Bacteria are beings that take advantage of every weakness in the body.

Manifestations of urinary tract infection

The manifestations of urinary tract infections are diverse and of all kinds. First, an isolated fever without any other disorder may be the first symptom at the onset of the disease. It manifests itself mainly by a permanent urge to urinate while the bladder is empty. Then, there is pain during urination and when urinating. When this condition is not treated properly, urinating becomes more and more difficult and painful. If it is not treated, the urethra will contract and you will not be able to urinate. This is why it is necessary to catheterise the urethra in severe cases. In addition, this disease can also cause kidney disease. Because the urine does not come out, the waste products from the kidneys do not find a place to go. In a critical case, the waste products from the kidneys spread throughout the body. In men, a urinary tract infection can lead to infection of the prostates or prostatitis.

What precautions should be taken to avoid urinary tract infection?

First of all, it is strongly recommended to drink water and cranberry juice regularly. It's no secret that drinking water is good for your health. This statement makes sense again here; indeed, water is a very effective cleaner of the urinary tract. The more water you drink, the better the urinary circulation in your body. Let's take a quick look at how the urinary system works. The kidneys filter out the nutrients the body needs and then remove waste products through the urinary system. The more water you drink, the easier it is for the kidneys to filter, and the smoother the flow of urine through the urethra. That is why it is strongly recommended that you drink water, at least 1.5 litres per day for an adult. You should also drink cranberry juice regularly. Studies have shown that cranberries contain a substance that prevents bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urethra and urinary tract. Next, it is important to remember to keep the urinary tract from being unfavourable to bacterial life. When you urinate, don't cut off your action if you don't get the satisfaction of having emptied everything. As you know, urine is the waste that the body has rejected, so it contains bacteria. When you urinate, you are releasing your waste products, so make sure you empty your bladder completely; and don't let bacteria take refuge in your bladder. For men, it is important to know that urine and semen share the same exit route. You need to know that bacteria fight to stick to the urinary tract, especially on the walls of the urethra. These bacteria use the semen, a fairly dense liquid, as a glue to hold onto the urethra better. The advice then is as follows: do not hold back when you ejaculate, make sure that all the sperm come out, so that there are no quantities left over. For women, try to avoid putting on dirty sanitary pads as much as possible. The blood that comes out at each ruler is dirty, it is full of many bacteria. When you feel that the sanitary napkin starts to feel heavy, change it. Do not let the blood stay in contact with your vagina for long periods of time. Bacteria can use this proximity to get into your urinary tract and take refuge there. This is both a preventive tip for the disease in question, but also a wellness tip for your health in general.

Other precautions to take to prevent this pathology

It is essential to urinate after each sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse, the human body secretes lubricants. These lubricants can enter the urinary tract, but not necessarily the urinary tract. These lubricants can promote the conditions for bacteria to take refuge in the genital tract. Urinate immediately after every sexual intercourse! This advice applies to both men and women. It is also advisable to wash your genital area after each sexual intercourse. This is to clean the visible part of the urinary tract. And finally, make sure that you and your partner do not have any sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

The urinary tract and genital tract

Because the urinary tract and the genital tract are very close, illness in one affects the other and vice versa. Learn how to be careful not to get diseases of the genital tract. Sexual diseases very often lead to a urinary tract infection. The following advice can be given: do not have sex with multiple partners, ideally you should only have one partner. This will protect you from sexually transmitted diseases and is therefore a preventive measure against this infection. Ultimately, urinary tract infection is a completely preventable disease if you have good hygiene and a good sex life. Don't forget to drink water, make a habit of drinking at least 1.5 litres of water a day. This will greatly improve your state of health and is the best preventive measure for the disease in question.